Got the up-level flu?

Uncategorized Jul 14, 2017

So you’re stretching the boundaries of your life...

You’re living bigger and better than ever before.

You’re making money in this biz thing (fuck yeah!!).

More freedom. More spending power. More fun.

But you’re also starting to feel really freaking uncomfortable.

Like OMG WTF is even happening right now?? Uncomfortable.

Your subconscious might be freaking out.

You’ve had a headache for a few days.

You might even have the flu - the dreaded up-level flu (been there girlfriend).

I want to tell you something a little counter intuitive - something one of my friends recently told me that I intuitively knew but wasn’t totally implementing...

Whatever you do...don’t stop.

Yes you may be anxious.

Yes you may be sick.

YES you may be freaking the hell out.

But don’t stop moving forward.

You’re safe, this is a normal part of stretching and growing.

Rest, take care of yourself, drink that tea, take those baths, but also KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

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Do you really need to do more to hit your goals?

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2017

Here's the thing.

You do not need to find your path - you're already on it.

You do not need to find your passion - it's already burning inside of you.

You do not need to have the perfect offer - your soul already knows exactly what it's meant to sell.

You do not need to have the perfect branding - you just need to be 100%, confidently, unapologetically you.

You do not need to be perfectly "aligned" - you need to allow it to come to you and eliminate all the things standing in the way.

You do not need the world to prove you right - you already are. All you need to do is ACTUALLY believe it.

What you DO to actually embody your success.

Now - not in the future.

What does this look like?

BE the you who is actually successful - NOW. Think like her, feel like her, emanate her energy.

GET RID OF everything that tells you that you're not her now. Limiting beliefs, old stories, your crappy mindset, that thing your mom said to you 8 years ago, old clothes you hate, and ANY energy...

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Do You Need to Focus on Strategy or Energy?

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2017

Here's what I want you to know: Marketing/strategy issues ARE energy/mindset issues.

Every client I’ve worked with gets radically better at marketing (and gets radically better results from even what they did in the past) BECAUSE...

When you’re in alignment, you WILL receive inspiration for the exact right marketing to call in your desires.

If marketing feels like a push, like you’re everywhere all the time, like you’re doing alllll the right things but not seeing the results you want...

Another strategy isn’t what you need.

There are people doing less than you (with no team) and making 10x what you are.

This is not by accident.

This is not because they’re _____ (insert “better, prettier, more likable” your excuse of choice here).

It’s because they are not blocking themselves so they receive inspiration and guidance for the exact next step, over and over and over again. (This is how I wound up getting 1k comments on a ladder...

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Secret Money Manifesting Energy Hack

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2017

You know what nobody is talking about (that's a MASSIVE key component in the energy of attracting clients/money easily)?


And it's understandable, because it is loaded AF.

So much feeling, so much fear, so much complication - it's a LOT to unpack.

BUT if you want to get clients coming to you (seemingly) out of the blue knocking down your door to work with you (yes it's possible, and yes it can happen alllll the time) so that business no longer feels up to NEED this energy.

But feeling desirable?

It's scary.

It's inconvenient.

It's hard in a culture that views only very specific body types as "good enough" to be desire.

This is work I've been really consciously sitting with in my own mindset practice recently, so if it feels are 100% NOT alone - but it has been SO incredibly powerful (and yes, it has made a difference in my business, my clients' businesses, and how I show up in life).

It's hard and uncomfortable (and even triggering)...

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Does "thinking happy thoughts" really lead to results?

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2017

Just thinking happy thoughts is NOT going to *magically* get you the clients you want
{I spent 11 months "staying positive" and not signing clients until I changed THIS}

You tried the hustle. {I tried the hustle, we all tried the hustle}

And what did it get you?

STRESS. Your partner wondering when TF you're going to get off your computer.

Your relationships suffering.

The "Entrepreneur 25" (It's like the Freshman 15 but without the 18 year old's metabolism )

All you thought about was your business, and the rest of your life suffered.

Because "Once I'm making more money, I'll be able to _____" (insert "get healthy, love up on my partner - and get them that car they want - travel like I want to, blah blah blah")

And did you hit your goals? Ehhhhh...

Because - as you've now probably learned - more hustle is NOT the way.

(which means that you didn't have the time/money to fix the things that ALLLL the hustle created )

But then you learned about the "woo" side of things.


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How my Booty Gainz = Money Gainz

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2017

If you can't tell I was laughing when I wrote that title - now you know. lol

But in all seriousness, I manifested a cute booty by wearing sweatpants (and gained weight from wearing skinny jeans)
{Aaaaand wtf this has to do with $$$ }

A few weeks ago, I bought sweatpants that were comfy and made me feel cute AF.

And I have been wearing them...kind of religiously. My skinny jeans have been gathering dust for a little while now.

Because who can beat comfy, cute, AND still wearing pants?

And last week, I put on my skinny jeans and they were actually LOOSE.

And I was (understandably) like WTF?

Then, after a couple days of wearing skinny jeans again, and noticing where they pinched and when they felt a little off...I gained weight!

Which, tbh, is totally fine, but it illustrates something REALLY COOL about manifestation.

When I was in sweatpants I was focusing on: "OMG I'm so comfy, my booty looks so cute, I feel so so so so good."

When I was in skinny jeans I was focusing on:...

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The shift I made to consistently make money in my sleep

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2017

Today I want to talk about how to NOT make money allllll the time - because seriously, I LOVE my sleep money, and I want you to LOVE sleep money too.

(This is why you're NOT making money in the shower, while you sleep, when you pee, while you're cooking, or when you're out having fun...and how to change that, like now )

You hear about those late-night PayPal notifications. Waking up to $$$ in the bank, unexpected sales, allll the good stuff that ads up to those $10K-$20K months you're looking for...

But for some reason it's not happening for you.

Like, ever.

So you start making excuses

"My business just doesn't work like that."

"People don't buy high end"

"People don't buy courses"

"My audience isn't warm enough, they're not ready to buy."


Here's what's really happening, and it's blocking the next income level you KNOW you're ready for...

You think you need to "MAKE" it happen.

You think you will take some action and it will "make" the PayPal notifications come...

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The social media treadmill is SO 2016 - let's ACTUALLY sign consistent clients

Uncategorized May 26, 2017

I want to drop a truth-bomb here that online marketers everywhere are going to think I'm crazy for saying


(This is why you're on social media all the damn time and not making the money you want)

You've heard it a million times - "Just add value."

"Prove to your soulmate clients how awesome you are."

"Take the amount of money you want to make and 100X it, that's how much value you need to give."

Blah, blah, blah.

And so you did.

You gave value until it was coming out of your eyeballs, and yet...

Your client roster isn't full.

That group program got 3 people signed up when you wanted 15 (but thank GOD it wasn't just one).

The itsy bitsy offers (you know, the $37 workbook and the $97 training) are selling sporadically.

And your business feels up to chance - your income DOESN'T feel supportive or abundant, every month feels like a mad dash to bring in the money pay the bills.

But can't they SEE the value you give?

Can't they SEE how awesome...

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The difference between people who try and people who succeed

Uncategorized May 19, 2017

Here's the difference between alllll the people who are "trying" and alllllll the people who are actually succeding.

The ones who succeed DEEPLY believe that they will.

And they act from a space of power.

They act from a space of DEEP knowing that they WILL succeed.

That they ARE a leader. That their mission IS important.

And yes, they might waver. Yes they might doubt - at the end of the day, we ALL do.

But the difference between people who lead and people who perpetually try to get that the people who lead KNOW that it's who they are.

And here's the deal - they didn't always start out that way.

I know from experience.

Leadership, confidence, and a deep KNOWING that you're just GOING to do it...? These feelings are cultivated, you aren't born with them.

And often, they're cultivated BEFORE the evidence in your actual life points to the fact that they're actually true.

Want a large following? Start showing up as a leader.

Want to make your $$$ goals? Start showing up...

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Read this if you're still not charging high-end rates

Uncategorized May 12, 2017

I wrote this on a plane, the day I decided to say “fuck every single story I’ve told myself about what I’m worth, I’m finally charging what I knew I should be charging alllll along.”

I want you to know that there’s a price within you, that you KNOWWWW you should be charging. And you may have made every excuse in the book about why not to charge that. But here’s what I want you to know...

You should have already been charging that much and the only reason you’re not is because you’re afraid of charging the price your soul knows you should be and being told you’re wrong.

But the $8K, $10K, $20K, $WHATEVER-K clients are out there waiting for you to step the fuck into your power, get confident, and start charging the rate you ENERGETICALLY NEED to be charging.

What are you waiting for? WHEN will you actually be ready?

The only shift that needs to happen is inside of YOU. From there, the messaging, branding, and strategy flows...

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