The social media treadmill is SO 2016 - let's ACTUALLY sign consistent clients

Uncategorized May 26, 2017

I want to drop a truth-bomb here that online marketers everywhere are going to think I'm crazy for saying


(This is why you're on social media all the damn time and not making the money you want)

You've heard it a million times - "Just add value."

"Prove to your soulmate clients how awesome you are."

"Take the amount of money you want to make and 100X it, that's how much value you need to give."

Blah, blah, blah.

And so you did.

You gave value until it was coming out of your eyeballs, and yet...

Your client roster isn't full.

That group program got 3 people signed up when you wanted 15 (but thank GOD it wasn't just one).

The itsy bitsy offers (you know, the $37 workbook and the $97 training) are selling sporadically.

And your business feels up to chance - your income DOESN'T feel supportive or abundant, every month feels like a mad dash to bring in the money pay the bills.

But can't they SEE the value you give?

Can't they SEE how awesome you are?

So you give more.

That'll do it, right? You just weren't giving enough.

But it doesn't make things any more consistent.

And you start to wonder, how TF are you supposed to bring in clients without running yourself into the ground?

How do the people you look up to do it? How do THEY make it work?

Is it the massive team that gives value FOR them?

Is it the huge audience?

Is it Facebook Ads or some magic bullet strategy you don't know?

Nope. Nope. And more nope.

So what is it that makes it possible (and even easy) to consistently hit your income goals from your content?

You have to stop trying to prove yourself.

You have to believe RIGHT NOW that you are enough.

We've all been getting the idea of giving value backwards.

We see it as proving we're worthy so that (MAYBE) our soulmate clients will decide that they're willing and ready to pull out their wallets and work with us.

When really, giving value should simply be an extension of who we are. An extension of what we do. We do it out of joy.

And the clients, the money, the everything we want...

Are already ours. We're already worthy.

What we DO, what we post, our "value" isn't tied to that - like, at all.

THAT'S when it gets easy.

And from there, there ARE posts that DO sign clients.

There ARE strategies and actions to take that are aligned to your desires.

The thing is, when you're doing them from a space of trying to MAKE things happen (When you're still not 100% sure you believe that they will)'s NOT aligned, and 99.999% of the time it will not work.

THAT is why I do what I do - to SHOW people what works for them (it's unique, it's intuitive, and it's a cornerstone of your business), and then shift their beliefs, thoughts, energy, and the way they do that it ACTUALLY works.


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