Here's what happens when I decide to sign a client

Uncategorized Sep 06, 2019

I need to tell you this - because I'm so ready for you to stop making it more complicated than it needs to be.

So here's what happens when I decide to sign a client:

I decide to sign a client, and they generally book 24-48 hours later.

I visualize my biggest launch ever with people commenting on all my posts "I just bought last night," "I'm in!" "I can't wait!" "OMG take my money!"

And a week later, I'm having my highest number of sales in a launch ever...and what are people saying?

The exact phrases from my journal. Word. For. Word.

I journal my intention for a pay in full client...

The next day she's in my inbox ready to work together - saying she was magnetized to me for the EXACT reasons I had journaled out the night before (if you're curious, it was that she was ready for her to take off in a whole new way and really start calling in her dream life).

(this all happened while I was cooking spaghetti and dancing around the house in my underwear - obviously no discovery call...

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This Life-Changing Shift Created My Next-Level Success

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2019

My love, you don't want sales,
You want to make money without having to obsess over sales.

You don't want clients,
You want soulmate people who are ready to receive and be elevated by your gifts.

You don't want to live,
You want to THRIVE.

And you're not going to "strategy" your way to any of that.

DEEP. SOUL. EMBODIMENT. is what gets you there.

When you show up to your business like a queen, your business treats you like a queen.

When you show up in the vibration of leadership and expansion, the people show up who are ready for you to LEAD them TO expansion.

This isn't something where you "just keep going" and it shows up out of the blue.

This is a science and an art.

You think the new thoughts.
You believe the new beliefs.
You be the new being.

And life shows up differently for you.

THIS is how I have gone from less than $1K per month consistently to $10K (DURING the holidays while I was visiting family)

THIS is how I have scaled my income past ANY of my income goals to almost $20K...

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The KEY to Running Your Business in FLOW

Uncategorized Aug 30, 2019

Do you ever wonder whether there’s some missing key to running your business in the flow? 

 The flow of income
 The flow of high-caliber clients
 The flow of intuition and ease where you KNOW your next steps and are consistently moving forward

I know I did.

For the first 11 months of my business I made a grand total of $2,500 (my income goal for each of those months was $5K-$15K)

And even after my first $10K sales month, I would still go months not hitting my sales goals.

We learn strategies and systems. We learn manifesting and mindset.

But it still doesn’t click.

You may be making your best income yet, you might even have seen a few $10K months…

But you still feel like you don’t quite know what to do next to keep growing your income, you’re not quite “there” yet, and you continually find yourself wondering where your next $$ is going to come from (or if it’s going to come at all).

Believe me, I felt all this...

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Behind the Scenes of My Business & Energy

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2019

I sell spots in my $10K-15K package without discovery calls

Without hiding my price.

Without fancy tech.

Without force.

Without following sales formulas that feel out of integrity.

Without market research.

Without forcing myself to do a bunch of crap I don’t want to do.

Want to know how?

 I shift my MIND, to be my greatest asset, rather than an enemy. I have learned how to use my subconscious as a tool to effortlessly create, rather than allowing it to sabotage me behind the scenes. (There's a reason I called my latest subconscious reprogramming class "3 Days to Your Next Client" - because it can work FAST)

 I use my ENERGY to be a match for what I want with very specific energetic tools that make elevating my income and calling in dreamy AF clients who I am so proud to coach an effortless reality - hint: it's not about what you're DOING, it's about what you're BEING

 And I use a simple, elegant, streamlined strategy (that anyone can do) to stay visible, grow my...

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Do I need to set income goals to become wealthy?

Uncategorized Aug 16, 2019

So here's what I want you to know about income goals: EVERY TIME I HIT MY BEST INCOME MONTHS EVER, I DON’T SET INCOME GOALS

 Crazy, I know. But here’s the thing - my best cash months, sales months, and LIFE months are always the most chill, most enjoyable, income goal free months.

So what do I do instead?

I plan my vision - what would be the juiciest most enjoyable way for the month to go?

Do I want to work out in the mornings? Meal plan so I eat delicious food every night? Eat out 4x per week in busier times? Treat my clients to a next-level gift? Feel like a queen? Save x number of dollars?

What is the most enjoyable possible vision for me?

And then I have a general idea of the minimum I’ll call in to support that vision - this is not “it will cost me ______ to make this list happen so that’s my goal” - it’s “I desire about this month and better to fulfill this vision AND be in overflow because there’s always more...

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Screw the Rules - Do it Your Way

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2019

I literally just laughed out loud thinking about back when I thought I had to do free calls to sign clients.

Or when I thought I had to hide my rates.

Or when I thought webinars were an absolute MUST.

I spent so freaking long thinking I was missing something.

Fixing and tweaking and poking at my business.

"What's wrong, why can't I hit my goals?"

But the only thing I was really missing....was my power.

When I got in my power, $10K pay in full clients became easy.

When I got in my power effortless sign-ups for my membership The Money Mindset Collective were a given.

When I got in my power I realized I wasn't missing anything, and my business was able to flow.

And grow.

If you want something - $10K + months, business flow, to be easily making the impact you desire (rather than spending all your time trying to "figure out" why something isn't selling the way you want it to) - it is available to you the moment your heart desires it.

Claim it. BE the you that has it.

And watch...

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The Secret to Manifesting Next-Level Results?

Uncategorized Aug 02, 2019

The $10K+ pay in full clients,

The $40K sales from a single launch,

The calling in clients overnight,

The clients filling 1/4 of the spots in their new program before it's even launched,

The clients signing their first clients, hitting huge milestones, and stepping into the flow of limitlessness...

It's never been about the strategy.

All those months I spent "crafting" my brand message...

Writing one after another ideal client avatar - each one more specific than the last (because if I wasn't signing the clients I wanted, of COURSE it must not be specific enough)

Niching down more and more and more because the micro-niche is the best way to stand out in a "crowded field"

NONE of those were the months when my income grew exponentially, my client roster filled, or my programs booked out...

Because it's never BEEN about that - really.

It's always been about me.

My energy.

And your business success is about YOU.

Your next level self doesn't lie beyond some new strategy or a new way of...

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This is what I know for sure

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2019

I’ve been thinking a lot this week…

About what’s real.

About what’s important.

And I know one thing for sure - magic and abundance are available to you.

Money and abundance to be present in your life, to have the option to choose the life you want to live, to enjoy your life with the people you love.

Money to be present to the magic.

On the summer solstice I started the day at the beach with my husband - we enjoyed time in the sun, got the most delicious coconut coffee, and then spent the day exploring.

We ate a delicious seafood dinner at an oceanfront restaurant.

And I ended the day on the beach looking up at the stars - the sky looked like the stars were raining down on the earth.

And as I was sitting there, a wave came so far up the beach it nearly tickled my toes, and suddenly the whole beach was glowing.

The waves washed up thousands of tiny bioluminescent ocean life onto the beach - lighting up each step I took as I watched the moon rise bright orange...

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Behind the Scenes/Turning 26 Vibes

Uncategorized Jun 19, 2019

I’m soaking up life right now.

I’m in the car, on my way to the beach with my husband, and I’m literally the happiest I’ve ever been.

I’m turning 26 in less than a week.

My clients are crushing it.

Money is easier than its ever been.

I have a trip planned to fly across the country and visit my client for a VIP day that I already know is going to be pure magic.

I make sales in my sleep. My clients routinely pay in full.

My business is a huge source of joy, ease, and flow in my life - exactly as it should be.

And looking back makes this feeling even sweeter.

I remember holding my breath every time I swiped my card (even if it was just $15 for basic groceries).

I remember hustling for potential clients who ghosted on contracts.

I remember celebrating my highest sales month EVER (over 5 figures) and then winding up with clients paying so little if their contract that I could barely afford to pay my bills. *cringe*

I remember crying because I was so...

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When Business Feels Like Sunshine...

Uncategorized Jun 14, 2019

 When business feels like sunshine 

It nourishes you.
It sets you free.
It warms your soul.

It is a flow of life force and abundance.

You don't need to MAKE it happen, it happens FOR you.
(all you have to do is open the curtains to let it in)

You get to be magnetic.

What you want gets to come to you.

Without the push, the stress, the force.

You do what comes naturally.
And it flows.

- And how do you get here? -

You learn how to leverage yourself - your true gifts and talents.

Body, mind, and spirit.

YOU are so powerful, and you have the capacity to create (in fact, you're creating right now every day), and YOU are the main ingredient in your business.

Meaning the programs (subconscious and energetic patterns) you're running by in your life...

Are what's manifesting the results in your business.

Business that feels like sunshine comes from deep beliefs that feel like sunshine.

Your business gets to flow from effortless action.
Your business gets to support you.
Your business...

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