My FAVE Vision Board Story (so far)

Uncategorized May 05, 2017

Throwback: I wrote this post 30 days after I hosted a vision board party  where I made my vision board for 2018


**Vision Board Party Update** This is crazy. In 30 days, I manifested over $9000 of what was on my vision board.


The photo on the left is the Louis Vuitton that was on my vision board. The photo on the right is MINE!!

On top of that, I've called in 2 iPhone Xs (one for me and one for my hubby), unexpected luxurious travel, spaces filled in my mastermind, and a perfectly aligned soulmate client that I'm over the moon to be working with!

When I started my business, I didn't 100% believe it was possible - and because of that I struggled for months.

I tried everything - all the strategies, funnels, ads, I threw SO MUCH TIME (and money) at it, and nothing was working.

I kept telling myself it was because I wasn't working hard enough.

But the truth is...It was that I wasn't allowing myself to have what I wanted. I didn't believe I could be...

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Shift this to LOVE your business so much more

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2017

"When you receive money for your work, it feels like your worthiness is on trial every single day."

I've NEVER met a person who doesn't feel this way (unless they've already done massive work around their self-worth).

When you earn money, you feel like every single day your worthiness of that money is up for question.

Nobody wants that.

Nobody wants to risk having their insecurities and fears about themselves confirmed.

This is a HUGE fear/block I see coming up around money. So many people subconsciously block themselves from making money (or making more) because they fear having to stand up and BE worthy of it every day.

It feels like a constant battle of having to prove themselves.

And it triggers 10,001 negative feelings, memories, and beliefs about yourself, and who you think you NEED to be in order to make money.

This subconscious avoidance of money is rampant in our world today, because we've been taught to receive so much of our validation from others and outside...

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It's risky. Should I do it?

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2017

When you want to create your own success, you HAVE to take risks. #sorrynotsorry

I’m all about making sound investments, of your time, energy, and money...

But here’s the thing, if you want to experience something different, you have to DO something different.

Even though it’s scary.

When applying for jobs, promotions, or asking for a raise, the risk is putting in the work, investing your energy, sometimes investing in education and certification, and risking rejection.

When moving to a new level in business, the risk is putting in work, time, energy, and investing in your development.

I don’t believe that you have to invest the amount that you’re charging, and I don’t believe that throwing money at your business is always the way.

But the truth is, if you’re not where you want to be, there’s a good chance that there’s something you NEED to do, shift, or learn to get there.

And yes, it often feels like a risk.

There’s a...

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3 Sneaky Shifts to Make More (Aligned AF) Sales

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2017

Here's why you keep attracting SO many people who can't afford your high-end program - but when you go to launch your low-end flops too (and it isn't because you suck at this ).

You're posting all the time, you're giving massive value, it's OBVIOUS how amazing you are, your following is growing, your email list is growing...and yet, no one is buying.

You launch your high end offer because "I only need to sell one of these to pay the bills this month."

Then eveerrryyyone you get on the phone tells you they can't afford it.

So you switch it up, you tell them the price BEFORE they get on the phone.

And then they ghost you.

Or they get on the phone and they say "Ehhhh maybe this isn't aligned" but you KNOW it's about the price.

You wonder WHEN you're ever going to get someone on the phone who KNOWS your value and SEES what a no-brainer this price is for what you give...

But you seriously need to pay the you change direction again.

And you launch a...

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Do THIS to Turn Your Receiving Up to 100

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2017

Want to make more money?

Breathe. Deeply.

Fill your lungs, stop this half-breathing BS we all do when we feel the anxiety or scarcity and lack.

Nourish your body. Even if that means Pop Tarts in the morning or pb&j in the afternoon.

Stop allowing yourself to go for hours without food and then feeling frazzled and unsupported when your body is hungry.

Stop half-living. Stop doing that weird thing we all do where we glue ourselves to our phone and do things that make us feel stressed and anxious when we really could be enjoying the moment. With family. With our partners. With ourselves.

Allow yourself to receive. The world is abounding with joy and abundance and it is TRYING to give it to you. Really.

And the way you do one thing? It’s the way you do all things when it comes to your energy.

It’s time to receive. Love. Joy. Beauty. The magic of this moment.

And yes, money too.


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What to do when you're not inspired (this simple shift changed my life)

Uncategorized Mar 31, 2017

We all have heard enough times that "inspired action" and "following your guidance" are the keys to being an active component in your manifestation. Yes? Good.

But what happens when you don't know?

You don't receive the guidance?

You can't seem to MOVE because you don't know the next step to take...

You stay stuck, going around in circles. And it is SO freaking frustrating.

THAT is what I like to call "knowledge scarcity" and it's a super fun little trick your subconscious likes to pull to keep you misaligned from your desires.

So WTF do you do to actually move past it?

Stop saying "I don't know."

Seriously, stop taking that as an answer from your subconscious.

"I don't know what to do to move forward"
"I don't know what to say"
"I don't know what to do to bring in the $$"
"I don't know how to get to my next level"

"I don't know" is the exact opposite energy of actually RECEIVING the guidance - you're blocking yourself.

Instead, when the answer doesn't come immediately (because it...

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