Energetic Life & Business

Coaching with Audrey Shore

Life gets to be fun. Income gets to be easy. Your business gets to be more successful than you ever imagined. 

Welcome to your next level. It's time to completely revolutionize the way you do money, life, and business

Let's Work Together

If you know that you're ready for more, my signature 1:1 program for visionary female entrepreneurs is your next step:

  • Master the mindset and energetics of success, increase, and overflow so you can easily create lasting wealth and make your next level income goals a given 
  • Plan your business + aligned strategy to bring your empire fully in alignment with consciously creating your world-changing goals

The investment? 1 payment of $12,222 or 6 monthly installments of $2,555.

If working together feels like a full body YES deep in your soul, click the button to apply.


The Details:

  • 6 months of 1:1 coaching
  • 2 biweekly coaching calls per month
  • Daily Voxer or Messenger for next level AF support
  • 1 payment of $12,222
  • Or 6 monthly installments of $2,555

To apply:

Reach out to Audrey via Facebook Messenger by clicking the button below, and write a message answering these questions.

  1. What is your business?
  2. What are your current business results (income, client results, level of freedom, etc)?
  3. What are you currently doing to create your absolutely dreamy level of life and income and how effective do you feel it is?
  4. What is your next goal and why don't you think you've reached it yet?
  5. What impact do you desire to have in the world?
  6. What are your most pressing challenges right now?
  7. Are you ready to work with Audrey right now (this means excited AF, and 100% ready to sign, pay, and get started as early as this week)?

What Past Clients Have to Say

"To say that Audrey Shore saved my life is the most underrated way I can describe how she has changed my life but I don't know how else to define her magic 🌟 She believed in me when I no longer believed in myself. I literally thought there is NO way I can afford to hire her. But I did in fact triple my investment (and then some) before our contract is even over. πŸ˜‡ When I hired her I was excited (and worried) about someone paying me $11 for a seminar. Seriously. πŸ’° Now working with me is a five figure investment. I always knew I was super intuitive but I had no idea I could use this in my coaching business and impact my clients. Until I started working with her. 😊 I was ready to throw in the towel, get a job, admit that I was a FAILURE and I was crappy with money. πŸ’Έ She helped me turn it all around and FAST. Energetically I am able to receive way more then I ever imagined. The power that I have harnessed is out of this world. I'm in high demand because of it. I could spell 5 million ways how she has changed my entire life. But just work with her seriously. And her intuitive skills are SPOT ON to the MONTH. 😎 I could go on but basically, yeah she had a vision for me when I thought I was nothing. And she believed in me when I felt I was worthless and I CANT imagine anyone else being my main coaching squeeze EVER again. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– Thank you for your gift of seeing my highest vision and believing in me when no one else would, not even myself."

Nisha Ryan
Owner - The Aligned Pretzel

"I knew I needed a coach and I took a long time trying to decide who my ideal coach was going to be - among hiring a couple for short time periods - when a total Goddess among Goddesses emerged. This was Audrey Shore. I know for certain that this powerful woman changed the trajectory of my life and career. Before Audrey came onto my path I had all these loose ends, there were so many directions I could go in with my business and it was quite frankly overwhelming. But suddenly it became very clear and logical, from my very first call with her. She’s incredible at tuning in and immediately seeing what needs unpacked and how to organise it for maximum impact. She understands the BIG goals and has the rare gift of completely understanding the deepest levels and values of your brand just by tuning in. As soon as I connected it began to make sense, my gifts, my purpose my soul blueprint - my authority in what I do, all that I’d already created without noticing. I began to see how the pieces fitted together which can be the hardest thing for someone only been in business a handful of months. She easily got a deep understanding of my business and held the most space for me anyone ever has, and helped me incredibly anchor in the big stuff - this is what she does. Calls with Audrey have been something I seriously look forward to every week, they always feel like a birthday as there’d always be huge breakthrough to come out of each. You’ll be in a call and she’ll be like hold on just tuning into your vortex, and she really sees what’s ready to pop and what needs to be released - it’s like actual real life practical magic just as it says on the tin ✨ She’s given me the biggest gift of seeing how important the bigger movement my business is a part of. I had my facebook group transform, my message seriously honed, my instagram following grew significantly, and I sold out my first course almost right away and even had someone pay me just for being me! This one believes in you to the end I hope to be working on things with Audrey again in the very near future πŸ’« This lady knows her shit. SO frickn worthwhile 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 "

Aurelia Ari
Spiritual Artist & Mentor

"Working with Audrey was pure MAGIC to say the least. Before working with her I was charging well below my worth and wasn't able to attract my soulmate clients. I felt super stuck in my business and knew a lot of it was due to my relationship with money. Just being in Audrey's energy alone helped me heal so many aspects of my money story and truly find my ideal clients. I have now sold out my one on one program with 4 high ticket clients and couldn't be happier. Audrey is the most helpful, sweet soul and I couldn't have done it without her!!"

Amanda Becker
Self Healing Guide

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