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Want to ACTUALLY change your financial life?

You need to change your money mindset.

And Money Mindset Collective was created to do just that.

Are YOU ready to have the tools to take command of your money mindset & change your financial life forever?

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Learn to Create Financial Breakthroughs

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Get out of the Vortex of Money Stress

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Master the Embodiment of Wealth Energy

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Make Money Mindset Your #1 Tool for Success

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You know that more money is the key to what you want...

Less stress. More fun. The life experiences that make you overflow with joy. Buying the things, the investments, the tools to improve your life.

But no matter what you do, money continues to be a source of stress. It doesn't matter if you do everything right, money is still constantly at the back of your mind...and not in a good way.

In the eternal words of #MarieKondo This does not spark joy. 🙅‍♀️

I get it.

I vividly remember the days of constantly stressing about money. Waking up sick to my stomach in the middle of the night, wondering how I was going to make it. Keeping a pack of ramen in my purse so I didn't have to buy food if I got hungry while I was at work. Buying things not because I liked them, but because they were the least expensive thing that filled my need (or not buying things I needed because it just wasn't in the budget).

I know what it's like to stare your vision board of all the things you desire and wonder how it could all be possible when your finances make it look like a far away dream and everything you've done in the past hasn't resulted in real lasting change.



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It doesn't have to be this way.

YOU have the power to change right now.

Your desires are so much more than possible.

▶ You cannot create what your mind doesn't believe.

Once you change your mindset...everything changes.

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And how do I know?

Because changing my money mindset changed EVERYTHING for me - and I've helped hundreds of other women do the same.

I went from wondering HOW the vision board life I wanted could even be possible, to living it. I went from constantly stressed about money to confident that I could create financial breakthroughs on command. I went from struggling to create financial change to creating change in my life and facilitating massive change in the lives of others.

I'm Audrey Shore - The Quantum Coach for High Achieving Women - and Money Mindset is my #1 most used tool for creating transformation.

I've broken down my years of studying money mindset, manifestation, and the energetics of abundance into simple, repeatable steps for financial creation so that this work is accessible to everyone.

For just $97 per month. 🤑

The tools to change your money mindset should be available to everyone. It shouldn't be a mystery or take hours of your time. That's where Money Mindset Collective comes in.

Our world tells us millions of stories that counteract us creating the abundance we want.

Our mind automatically believes them to be true.

What would it look like for you to have proven tools to change your money mindset to your advantage, rather than living on autopilot?

What would it look like to finally know how to get un-stuck and become the financial creator in your life?

Let’s find out!

When you join Money Mindset Collective you'll:

✓ Get instant access to a curated framework for rapid transformation

✓ Have over a year's worth of proven journaling prompts and trainings to transform your money mindset

✓ Save yourself months & even years of research and trying to figure it out on your own

✓ Become part of our online group where you'll get community support, Q&A coaching, and live trainings - you'll never hit a roadblock we can't overcome together 


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The Core Journaling Framework for Money Mindset Success - Learn the proven journaling & mindset process for rapid transformation - Valued at $111

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Monthly journaling prompts for personal growth & development - Every month you'll receive new money mindset journaling prompts - Valued at $111

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Monthly featured experts to learn new skills & expand your perspective - Each month we select experts & industry leaders to share their expertise and resources in the group - Valued at $333

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Weekly journaling reminders - to streamline and create consistency in your money mindset journey - Valued at $45

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An entire library of resources, video trainings, meditations & journaling prompts for financial creation - Valued at $2,222 

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The 7 day Mindset Journaling Challenge - where you’ll learn techniques to create rapid transformation - Valued at $333

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The 365 Day Journaling Journey - to dive deep into your money mindset & create massive transformation - Valued at $555

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Manifesting by Design Mini-Course - learn one of the personal development world’s most popular new energy modalities for rapid manifestation - Valued at $333

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Monthly live Q&A coaching and other community events - to continually support your money mindset journey - Priceless (but paying for this kind of support will usually run you $197-2K per month)


ALL this is worth over $4K in MONTHLY value - you get it for just $97 when you sign up today!


Our members have done some pretty amazing things...

Scaled past their income goals to create major lifestyle change

$ Paid off multiple 5 figures in debt and created financial freedom

$ Created new career paths and other opportunities to exponentially increase their income

$ Booked out their services, had their highest launches ever, and created unexpected new streams of income as entrepreneurs

$ Manifested thousands in unexpected windfalls and income

Created life-changing mindset transformation, stepped into self-confidence, cultivated self-love, and eliminated life long limiting beliefs to help them live their best life

Here's what THEY have to say...

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Are you ready to transform YOUR Money Mindset?


The Money Mindset Collective Investment



Easy Payments

  • Instant Access to the Core Money Mindset Transformation Framework
  • Instant Access to over 1 year of journaling prompts, trainings, meditations, and more
  • Brand new journaling prompts every month
  • Community trainings, Q&A coaching, and other interactive community events
  • Monthly Featured Experts
  • Members Only Facebook Group Access



Best Value

  • Instant Access to the Core Money Mindset Transformation Framework
  • Instant Access to over 1 year of journaling prompts, trainings, meditations, and more
  • Brand new journaling prompts every month
  • Community trainings, Q&A coaching, and other interactive community events
  • Monthly Featured Experts
  • Members Only Facebook Group Access

50% off when you pay in full for the year


Our A's for your Frequently Asked Q's

This membership is fully risk free - you can try it out and leave at any point you decide (but I have a pretty strong feeling that once you join, you'll want to stay 😘)

A Peek Inside the Resource Library...

The Featured Expert Gallery

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April 2020: Dani Driusso

Creating unapologetic energy around who you are, what you earn and how you show up in this world.

You will learn the foundational understanding of taking up space in all area’s of your life, business and relationships with no justification or apology - while leading with love, glamour, vibrancy, and F-yes-fabulousness. Namaslay boo - you gunna walk away being more YOU than ever before.

Dani Driusso is the powerhouse voice and leadership coach behind the Unleash Your Voice podcast. With an extensive background in performance and over five years in the personal development game, Dani has built her career around helping people take radical responsibility of their lives by embracing their humanness, loving their journey, and owning their “extra.” 

Dani’s playful approach to personal development inspired her book “Get Off Your A$$ & Into Your Life”, an immersive experience that has moved countless women take action, overcome fear and stop apologizing for living their dream life.

Taylor Lee

Creating Financial Overflow

Taylor Lee is a business mentor for ambitious and passion-filled coaches and online service providers. After creating her first 6-figure year at just 20-years-old she now helps others do the same. She believes in keeping things simple and utilizing the power of mindset and magnetic content in your business to create your dreamed-of Fully Free life.


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Shawna Beckman

5 Mindset Shifts to Make Consistent Feel Good Sales

Shawna Beckman is not your average sales expert...

She's a mom of 5, the most relatable person you've ever met, and an absolute sales queen.

She teaches sales like you've never seen them taught - bye hustle, bye pushy sales tactics, bye Icky feelings.

Shawna specializes in results based systems for easy, consistent, feel-good sales with clients who absolutely LOVE the work you do (and who you love to work with as well!)

Catch her training in the Money Mindset Collective Resource Library!

Krystel Malimban

Use NLP Direct Your Subconscious Mind to create Abundance for You

If you ever threw your hands up in the air in frustration and thought, “why the hell am I doing this to myself??,” you know what it feels like to spend too much time & energy trying to meet other people’s expectations.

This instance is why I, Krystel from the Woods, quit my 9-5 job, moved into a trailer in the woods, and became an Authentic Strategy & Mindset coach.

I help entrepreneurs let go of all of the sh*t the world tells you you should be and discover the many ways you’re already capable achieving what you want.

You get to have the life & business of your dreams without feeling like you’re fighting an internal battle 99% of the time.

Using the tools I’ve acquired as a Certified NLP, EFT, Time Techniques Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Life & Success Coach, I help you solidify your unique-to-you success strategy.

Because pursuing your life’s purpose is more than just work, it’s what you were made to do.

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Aurelia Ari

Sound Healing Music for Clarity & Grounding in Manifestation

Aurelia Ari is an Intuitive Artist, Sound Healer &  Soul Coach helping women to reclaim and restore their energy to embody fully magical lives

Download her absolutely magical sound healing track from the Money Mindset Collective Resource Library!

I want in!

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