Shift this to LOVE your business so much more

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2017

"When you receive money for your work, it feels like your worthiness is on trial every single day."

I've NEVER met a person who doesn't feel this way (unless they've already done massive work around their self-worth).

When you earn money, you feel like every single day your worthiness of that money is up for question.

Nobody wants that.

Nobody wants to risk having their insecurities and fears about themselves confirmed.

This is a HUGE fear/block I see coming up around money. So many people subconsciously block themselves from making money (or making more) because they fear having to stand up and BE worthy of it every day.

It feels like a constant battle of having to prove themselves.

And it triggers 10,001 negative feelings, memories, and beliefs about yourself, and who you think you NEED to be in order to make money.

This subconscious avoidance of money is rampant in our world today, because we've been taught to receive so much of our validation from others and outside circumstances.

So what do you do?

It's time to get really freaking confident, girl.

Your self worth needs to be at 200%, and then making money won't be so scary. Because you already KNOW you're worthy of it.

This breakthrough alone has made me thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars - and in the span of my lifetime will be worth at LEAST millions.

When you receive validation, worth, and (one of my favorite words) "enoughness" from the INSIDE. From within...

That is when you no longer fear making money, because your worth won't be up for question.

You already know.


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