3 Sneaky Shifts to Make More (Aligned AF) Sales

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2017

💥😨 Here's why you keep attracting SO many people who can't afford your high-end program - but when you go to launch your low-end program...it flops too (and it isn't because you suck at this 😘😘).

You're posting all the time, you're giving massive value, it's OBVIOUS how amazing you are, your following is growing, your email list is growing...and yet, no one is buying.

You launch your high end offer because "I only need to sell one of these to pay the bills this month."

Then eveerrryyyone you get on the phone tells you they can't afford it.

So you switch it up, you tell them the price BEFORE they get on the phone.

And then they ghost you. 👻

Or they get on the phone and they say "Ehhhh maybe this isn't aligned" but you KNOW it's about the price.

You wonder WHEN you're ever going to get someone on the phone who KNOWS your value and SEES what a no-brainer this price is for what you give...

But you seriously need to pay the bills...so you change direction again.

And you launch a super-discount version of your program - 6 weeks long, less than half the price.

But you SO want people to join - you don't know how many more "nos" you (or your wallet) can take hearing.

So you cut the price you were thinking about down by 40%, add in some massive bonuses, and promote the craaaap out of it.

People have to join, this is a no-freaking-brainer.

And then 2 people sign up. YES! It's possible!!

But your goal was 10. And that income is nice, but it doesn't even scratch the SURFACE of what you're aiming for.

So you start to promote your high end 1:1, and again, a chorus of crickets.

This ☝️☝️☝️ isn't a problem with what you DO. What you offer is undoubtably amazing...it's a problem with your mindset (which affects how you show up online).

1️⃣ You don't believe YOU can charge what you're charging (and you're terrified that people will call you out for being "too expensive" - because it means you're not worth it to them).

2️⃣ You don't expect people to have "that kind of money" and you're afraid of someone draining their savings or going into debt to work with you because "what if I don't deliver?" (because of the debt YOU took out to make that one investment you kiiiind of regret making because you didn't get the ROI from it because you were terrified of failing and having nothing to show for the debt)

3️⃣ You don't believe you can actually be successful - you're putting FAR more faith in it being hard than in the reality that it's easy - your beliefs are shaping your life, if you don't actually BELIEVE you can make it...you won't.

All of these things are affecting your ability to make money in your biz. They're choking the flow.

So before you keep struggling to sell the same things over and over and over again - it's time to shift.

What do you really believe?

What are you really afraid of?

Shift that, and everything changes. 


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