Do THIS to Turn Your Receiving Up to 100

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2017

Want to make more money?

Breathe. Deeply.

Fill your lungs, stop this half-breathing BS we all do when we feel the anxiety or scarcity and lack.

Nourish your body. Even if that means Pop Tarts in the morning or pb&j in the afternoon.

Stop allowing yourself to go for hours without food and then feeling frazzled and unsupported when your body is hungry.

Stop half-living. Stop doing that weird thing we all do where we glue ourselves to our phone and do things that make us feel stressed and anxious when we really could be enjoying the moment. With family. With our partners. With ourselves.

Allow yourself to receive. The world is abounding with joy and abundance and it is TRYING to give it to you. Really.

And the way you do one thing? It’s the way you do all things when it comes to your energy.

It’s time to receive. Love. Joy. Beauty. The magic of this moment.

And yes, money too. ✨



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