Here's what happens when I decide to sign a client

Uncategorized Sep 06, 2019

I need to tell you this - because I'm so ready for you to stop making it more complicated than it needs to be.

So here's what happens when I decide to sign a client:

I decide to sign a client, and they generally book 24-48 hours later.

I visualize my biggest launch ever with people commenting on all my posts "I just bought last night," "I'm in!" "I can't wait!" "OMG take my money!"

And a week later, I'm having my highest number of sales in a launch ever...and what are people saying?

The exact phrases from my journal. Word. For. Word.

I journal my intention for a pay in full client...

The next day she's in my inbox ready to work together - saying she was magnetized to me for the EXACT reasons I had journaled out the night before (if you're curious, it was that she was ready for her to take off in a whole new way and really start calling in her dream life).

(this all happened while I was cooking spaghetti and dancing around the house in my underwear - obviously no discovery call required)

If your business feels hard - or inconsistent - or like your success was a fluke - I want you to know that it doesn't have to be.

These things aren't normal for me because I'm some kind of special being who came out of the womb a business success...

The first year of my business felt like constant struggle.

But the thing is, they're normal for me I learned how to step into my power and USE my ability to create and magnetize what I want.

And now my desires don't feel like they're hard...

Because they're not.

My next level of business doesn't feel hard...

Because it's not.

Calling in money doesn't feel hard...

Because it's not.

Because I know exactly what I need to do to create what I want.

I want you to know that what you desire is within your reach...

It's so much closer than you think.

And it's only felt hard because you've been living by a set of rules and limitations that are outdated for creating your limitless future.

It's time to step into your power.

I know you're ready to create in a massive way.

I know you're ready for more than you've ever had before.

I know you're ready for a bigger impact, more income, and for it to happen...easily. Consistently. With flow.

And I am SO ready to show you how.

One of the BIGGEST tools I use to call in clients FAST is reprogramming my subconscious (it runs 95% of your life - no joke - and is the entire driving force when people effortlessly create money).

When I started doing this, I started to rapidly increase my income (200% growth EVERY month) and attract clients consistently, when my business used to have frequent extended dry spells.

Your subconscious paradigm creates the entire blueprint for your life - your actions, your results, your manifestations...all governed by your subconscious programming and paradigms.

Shifting this changes the whole game.


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