Do I need to set income goals to become wealthy?

Uncategorized Aug 16, 2019

So here's what I want you to know about income goals: EVERY TIME I HIT MY BEST INCOME MONTHS EVER, I DON’T SET INCOME GOALS

😱😱😱 Crazy, I know. But here’s the thing - my best cash months, sales months, and LIFE months are always the most chill, most enjoyable, income goal free months.

So what do I do instead?

I plan my vision - what would be the juiciest most enjoyable way for the month to go?

Do I want to work out in the mornings? Meal plan so I eat delicious food every night? Eat out 4x per week in busier times? Treat my clients to a next-level gift? Feel like a queen? Save x number of dollars?

What is the most enjoyable possible vision for me?

And then I have a general idea of the minimum I’ll call in to support that vision - this is not “it will cost me ______ to make this list happen so that’s my goal” - it’s “I desire about this month and better to fulfill this vision AND be in overflow because there’s always more amazingness around the corner”

But here’s the shift - instead of seeing the vision and noticing the absence of it and throwing myself into work to “make it happen” (which, btw is the OPPOSITE energy of making your vision a reality) I look around my life and acknowledge the places where I’m already experiencing parts of my vision.

My bank account, my delicious breakfast, my clients using the last gift I gave them, etc.

And truly feel the fact that IT’S ALREADY HAPPENING.

From gratitude, joy, and love for bringing my work into the world - THEN I take action, not to make it happen, but because I want to.

Because my state of being creates the vision, not the action.



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