Screw the Rules - Do it Your Way

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2019

I literally just laughed out loud thinking about back when I thought I had to do free calls to sign clients.

Or when I thought I had to hide my rates.

Or when I thought webinars were an absolute MUST.

I spent so freaking long thinking I was missing something.

Fixing and tweaking and poking at my business.

"What's wrong, why can't I hit my goals?"

But the only thing I was really missing....was my power.

When I got in my power, $10K pay in full clients became easy.

When I got in my power effortless sign-ups for my membership The Money Mindset Collective were a given.

When I got in my power I realized I wasn't missing anything, and my business was able to flow.

And grow.

If you want something - $10K + months, business flow, to be easily making the impact you desire (rather than spending all your time trying to "figure out" why something isn't selling the way you want it to) - it is available to you the moment your heart desires it.

Claim it. BE the you that has it.

And watch yourself rise.


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