This is what I know for sure

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2019

I’ve been thinking a lot this week…

About what’s real.

About what’s important.

And I know one thing for sure - magic and abundance are available to you.

Money and abundance to be present in your life, to have the option to choose the life you want to live, to enjoy your life with the people you love.

Money to be present to the magic.

On the summer solstice I started the day at the beach with my husband - we enjoyed time in the sun, got the most delicious coconut coffee, and then spent the day exploring.

We ate a delicious seafood dinner at an oceanfront restaurant.

And I ended the day on the beach looking up at the stars - the sky looked like the stars were raining down on the earth.

And as I was sitting there, a wave came so far up the beach it nearly tickled my toes, and suddenly the whole beach was glowing.

The waves washed up thousands of tiny bioluminescent ocean life onto the beach - lighting up each step I took as I watched the moon rise bright orange over the low tide.

This day will stay with me for a lifetime - the joy, the abundance, the love, the pure MAGIC that I experienced.

A few years ago, this wouldn’t have been possible - I was mostly using my vacation time to stay sane in a job that took so much out of me I routinely broke down crying on my way home from work due to sheer exhaustion.

I scrimped and saved just to be able to afford to treat myself to new clothes (that weren’t for work) once a year.

I was constantly having to turn down invitations to family vacations and events because I couldn’t get off work.

And even after I quit I was so consumed with the hustling to hopefully make some money and trying to make everyone else happy that I was never present enough to actually enjoy the freedom I had created.

>> I firmly believe that this is not how life is supposed to be. <<

Now I’m as happy nearly every day as I was on my wedding day.

I’m present in my experiences and in the time I spend with the people I love.

I don’t have to obsess about my business because it runs as a natural extension of my life and attracts high-ticket soulmate clients who I am absolutely in love with basically effortlessly.

I show up, I do my thing (which is mostly writing posts, the occasional livestream, and serving people in my paid communities), and I sign clients easily, without force or fear or settling on my rates or standards.

- This didn’t just fall into my lap, I deliberately created it -

That’s how I know it’s not a fluke. That’s how I know it’s fully possible.

That’s how I know that you can create a life and business you’re wildly in love with too.

It starts in your mind and radiates out into the world around you - your actions change, your business changes, and the way the world responds to you changes too.

It all starts with you. It all starts with you believing.

It starts with you thinking a different thought, intentionally changing what happens within to create change without.

And I’ve seen over and over again the magic that happens when you go first.

Magic, ease, abundance…it’s available to you now - it’s time to claim it.


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