Secret Money Manifesting Energy Hack

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2017

You know what nobody is talking about (that's a MASSIVE key component in the energy of attracting clients/money easily)?

Desirability. 🌹

And it's understandable, because it is loaded AF.

So much feeling, so much fear, so much complication - it's a LOT to unpack.

BUT if you want to get clients coming to you (seemingly) out of the blue knocking down your door to work with you (yes it's possible, and yes it can happen alllll the time) so that business no longer feels up to NEED this energy.

But feeling desirable?

It's scary.

It's inconvenient.

It's hard in a culture that views only very specific body types as "good enough" to be desire.

This is work I've been really consciously sitting with in my own mindset practice recently, so if it feels are 100% NOT alone - but it has been SO incredibly powerful (and yes, it has made a difference in my business, my clients' businesses, and how I show up in life).

It's hard and uncomfortable (and even triggering) because:

Because it feels scary and dangerous to walk down the street feeling like a sensual, desirable woman.

Because it feels inconvenient + problematic in platonic relationships to feel like a sensual, desirable woman.

Because it feels...almost impossible to access the feeling of desirability when your body doesn't meet the cultural standards of perfection (which, btw, are unattainable so even cultural beauty icons don't feel like they measure up).

As a culture, our relationship with desirability is fucked up. MY relationship with desirability was FUCKED UP...and it's healing.

Because if you don't feel wanted, how can you feel like people want to work with you?

How can you "justify" your rates in your mind?

How can you manifest clients?

Because desirability isn't just sexual. (although feeling sexy is a part of it)

Desirability is the external manifestation of self-love.

When you feel undesirable, you are saying to yourself "other people are desirable, but I am not."

This manifests in your business as "other people in my field are wanted and wildly in demand but I am not."

So you work hard to sign clients, you hustle, you post your message eeevvveeeerrrryywhere, you put up with inconsistent income and never filling out your client roster, in hopes that you can earn being wanted, you can hit that one shiny milestone (that's always just out of reach) and then people will want you...

When being wanted is your birthright.

Being wanted is the truth of who you are.

You - yes you - exactly as you are, are desirable in every way. Professionally, personally, as a beautiful human being.

And it is safe.

So how do we practice this?

Start where you can. For me, it was easy to start in my personal life. I started loving myself EVEN more. Unconditionally.

Wearing sweatpants? "Daaamn I feel cute"
No makeup? "I look like a fresh faced goddess"
Cellulite on my thighs (and girl this has been a tough self love journey for me since I was 13) - "OMG so cute! I love my legs"
Don't have a tan? "Wow I'm taking really good care of my skin"
The ensuing sunburn the first sunny day I spent outside? "I'm freaking glowing"

"I am a sensual goddess god damn it"

And it almost immediately started manifesting in my relationship with my partner.

I noticed, and rather than pushing it away with the (oh I'm not THAT cute self depreciating bullshit)...I leaned in and enjoyed.

Because the way things show up in one area in your life is a GOOD indication of how they'll show up in other areas.

And then I started reminding myself how in-demand I was in my business.

"My clients are doing massively amazing things, of COURSE people want that, of COURSE people want to work with me - it's a no brainer."

And you know what?

I was right.

Because I (YOU) get to decide how things go in my (YOUR) life. What you put what you get back. Period. 💕


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