Read this if you're still not charging high-end rates

Uncategorized May 12, 2017

✈️ I wrote this on a plane, the day I decided to say “fuck every single story I’ve told myself about what I’m worth, I’m finally charging what I knew I should be charging alllll along.”

I want you to know that there’s a price within you, that you KNOWWWW you should be charging. And you may have made every excuse in the book about why not to charge that. But here’s what I want you to know...

You should have already been charging that much and the only reason you’re not is because you’re afraid of charging the price your soul knows you should be and being told you’re wrong.

But the $8K, $10K, $20K, $WHATEVER-K clients are out there waiting for you to step the fuck into your power, get confident, and start charging the rate you ENERGETICALLY NEED to be charging.

What are you waiting for? WHEN will you actually be ready?

The only shift that needs to happen is inside of YOU. From there, the messaging, branding, and strategy flows to speak to the people who are ready, willing, and so able to pay your new rates.

It’s time.


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