Does "thinking happy thoughts" really lead to results?

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2017

🔥🔥 Just thinking happy thoughts is NOT going to *magically* get you the clients you want 🔥🔥
{I spent 11 months "staying positive" and not signing clients until I changed THIS}

You tried the hustle. {I tried the hustle, we all tried the hustle}

And what did it get you?

STRESS. Your partner wondering when TF you're going to get off your computer.

Your relationships suffering.

The "Entrepreneur 25" (It's like the Freshman 15 but without the 18 year old's metabolism 😂)

All you thought about was your business, and the rest of your life suffered.

Because "Once I'm making more money, I'll be able to _____" (insert "get healthy, love up on my partner - and get them that car they want - travel like I want to, blah blah blah")

And did you hit your goals? Ehhhhh...

Because - as you've now probably learned - more hustle is NOT the way.

(which means that you didn't have the time/money to fix the things that ALLLL the hustle created 😭😭😭)

But then you learned about the "woo" side of things.

The manifestation.


And you were like "Daaaaamn...all I had to do was stay positive and I could have made money?"

{When I found out about manifestation in business, I felt like I had been SO cheated by spending all my time hustling}

So you did that for a while...

You let go of the hustle.

You scheduled in time every day to "think good thoughts."

You said the affirmations.

And yet...

Part of you still wondered howwww you were going to make the money.

Because part of you didn't believe you actually could be "that entrepreneur."

{Girl, I spent months doing the woo thing but NOT actually changing anything}

And so you get scared. Because you're thinking happy thoughts but nothing is really changing.

I was SO SO SO frustrated. I wondered whether I was broken.

Because when you're in debt, and you have NO money to pay the bills, and hustle doesn't work, and "JUST STAY POSITIVE" doesn't work...

You start to wonder whether you were ever meant to do any of this in the first place. {I know I did, but thank GOD I kept going}

Here's the thing (and why hustle AND "manifestation" were equally ineffective for you)...creating/manifesting success isn't about thinking good thoughts OR about hustling your ass off until one day it just "happens."

It's about shifting who you ARE, from moment to moment, to BECOME the person who has what you want.

(and it happens SO quickly when you do it right)

This means consistently shifting:

☀️ Your beliefs
🍃 Your feelings
🌸 Your thoughts
🌊 And THEN what you DO from that inspiration

And this ISN'T about reading one self-help book and then going back to the hustle...

This is about changing your inner workings to *align* with the you who has what you desire.

This is deep work, and it's what is missing for 90% of entrepreneurs I see not hitting their goals.

YOU are so meant to make your goals a reality. It's your time.


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