Do You Need to Focus on Strategy or Energy?

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2017

👉🏻👉🏻 Here's what I want you to know: Marketing/strategy issues ARE energy/mindset issues. 👈🏻👈🏻

Every client I’ve worked with gets radically better at marketing (and gets radically better results from even what they did in the past) BECAUSE...

When you’re in alignment, you WILL receive inspiration for the exact right marketing to call in your desires.

If marketing feels like a push, like you’re everywhere all the time, like you’re doing alllll the right things but not seeing the results you want...

Another strategy isn’t what you need.

There are people doing less than you (with no team) and making 10x what you are.

This is not by accident.

This is not because they’re _____ (insert “better, prettier, more likable” your excuse of choice here).

It’s because they are not blocking themselves so they receive inspiration and guidance for the exact next step, over and over and over again. (This is how I wound up getting 1k comments on a ladder post, signing clients from a post with no pitch in a group that didn’t allow promos, and how I continue to sign clients by only marketing when I feel like it - and how my clients do it too).

This is why working with someone who KNOWS the exact energy you need to step into to reach your next goal, who SEES the BS stories that your subconscious uses to hold you back, who KNOWS exactly what you need to do to get in alignment and actually ACHIEVE your next big goal (and then do it over and over and over again) is SO important. Because it impacts every area of your business.

You’re not broken, you’re not “bad at marketing,” you’re not undesirable. You are a freaking badass and the world needs you to be wildly compensated for your gifts.

So stop stopping yourself.

Get aligned, get open to guidance, stop taking “I don’t know” and “I guess it’s not working” as an answer from your subconscious...

And then the guidance WILL come.

And when it does ACT. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your entire world can change.



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