The shift I made to consistently make money in my sleep

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2017

Today I want to talk about how to NOT make money allllll the time - because seriously, I LOVE my sleep money, and I want you to LOVE sleep money too.

(This is why you're NOT making money in the shower, while you sleep, when you pee, while you're cooking, or when you're out having fun...and how to change that, like now 😘)

You hear about those late-night PayPal notifications. Waking up to $$$ in the bank, unexpected sales, allll the good stuff that ads up to those $10K-$20K months you're looking for...

But for some reason it's not happening for you.

Like, ever.

So you start making excuses

➑️"My business just doesn't work like that."

➑️"People don't buy high end"

➑️"People don't buy courses"

➑️"My audience isn't warm enough, they're not ready to buy."

☝️☝️☝️ Allllll BULLSHIT.

Here's what's really happening, and it's blocking the next income level you KNOW you're ready for...

You think you need to "MAKE" it happen.

You think you will take some action and it will "make" the PayPal notifications come in.

You are equating what you DO with what you RECEIVE...

When they really are only loosely connected.

As in, yes you made money from that thing you do...but really that money came to you because you were a MATCH for receiving it, and the HOW presented itself.

So here's how to fix it:

πŸ’₯STOP equating $$$ with action.

πŸ€ START aligning with the vibration of abundance.

Let go of all the ways you're STOPPING the flow, and then give the flow a nice boost by aligning to what you want.

That's when it happens.



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